Youth Ministry

“…so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:13

At Crossroads we believe that our youth are an integral part of our church family. Our hope is to see each one of them come to know Jesus personally and grow up experiencing the transforming power of His Gospel.

Crossroads’ goal is for our youth to:

  • Develop loving relationships with God and other people of all ages in our church

  • Learn about God by engaging the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus

We seek to meet that goal through participation in our 4 areas of Youth Ministry at Crossroads: Wednesday Connect, Sunday Learn, Mentor Matches, and Events.

Wednesday Connect

Who? Middle School and High School youth looking to connect with their peers and the youth team.

What? Develop loving relationships by sharing a meal, talking, praying, and having fun.

When? 6:30pm - 7:30pm on Wednesdays

Where? Crossroads Church in the Prayer Room

Sunday Learn

Who? Middle School and High School youth looking to learn more about God alongside their peers and the youth team.

What? Engage the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

When? 9:00am - 10:15am on the first and third Sundays of the month.

Where? Crossroads Church in the Parsonage

What about the adults? Come to breakfast at 9:00 am on the first Sunday of the month, or participate in adult Sunday School every week at the same time

Mentor Matches

Who? Middle School and High School youth committed to growing their faith at Crossroads.

What? Learn more about God by developing a loving relationship with an older Brother or Sister in Christ.

When? Mentors and mentees are actively involved in each other’s lives. This could look like meeting once a month or texting on a regular basis; it often works to sync meet-ups with other events (e.g., meet for lunch after church).

Where? This can happen at a coffee shop, park, or someone’s house; adults, mentors, and mentees discuss as needed.


Who? Youth who would like to have fun.

What? Spend quality time together; this could be laser tag at Zap-Zone, or a work project at Crossroads.

When? We aim to have an event every fall, spring, and summer, and they will likely take place on a Friday or Saturday.

Where? Event locations will vary; they can happen at Crossroads, at a Youth Leader’s house, or at a public location like a bowling alley.

Rest Weeks

Every seven weeks Crossroads church takes a break from all Church programs outside of Sunday Service and Celebrate Recovery. This gives us the opportunity to:

  • Stop the normal demands of church life

  • Rest in God’s generous love apart from the work we do for Him

  • Delight in dedicated free time with God, friends, and family

  • Worship in ways that are not part of Crossroads’ usual rhythm

Youth program participates in this rhythm; during rest weeks:

  • Wednesday Connect will be canceled

  • Sunday Learn will be canceled

  • Mentor Matches are encouraged to meet another week

  • Events will not be scheduled during rest weeks