Our Values
We aim to be a community where each individual is so in love with Jesus Christ that this love transforms every aspect of the individual’s life and priorities. We seek to become more like Christ through the way we follow him as Christians.
Connecting Together
We aim to live lives of authentic community as the early church did in Acts 2:42-47. We aim to be in community groups where people can come and eat, pray, and care for each other as we walk this journey of faith together.
Knowing God
We seek to know God more personally through prayer and personal study of the Bible, as well as interaction with Scripture in community.
We seek to communicate the truth of God’s Word and the abundant life that He brings to a culture that has ignored God and sought after instant gratification as its ultimate fulfillment. We will put this message into today’s language without compromising the Word of God. We seek to be relevant to our culture and to create space for people to explore and meet God.
Making New Disciples
Jesus calls us to make new disciples in Matthew 28:19-20. We aim to intentionally show and share the saving grace of Jesus with others in both speech and action, with the hope that they too will become disciples of Christ. We will do this intentionally by building relationships with our neighbors, co-workers, and all people God has put in our lives, and also to seek out new people to build these relationships with.
Caring Like Jesus: A First Priority
We aim to care about the things that Jesus cares about, both locally and globally. This will be our first priority in where we invest our time and our money. We will be generous towards the forgotten and will put the needs of the poor and broken above the needs of ourselves as an organized church. We want to impact the Greater Lansing community and the global community with the tangible love of Jesus Christ.
We aim for our worship gatherings to be a collective expression of the way that we worship God all throughout our week. We seek to worship God “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24, Romans 12:1), meaning wherever we are breathing, we are worshiping. We aim to be the church, living lives of worship, rather than merely going to church as a ritual and giving God worshipful lip service.
We not only gather together as believers but we intentionally invite non-believers to hear about Jesus, and we intentionally go to people outside of the walls of the church to proclaim the good new of Jesus. We are a church committed to going to spiritually dark and hardened places to share the light and the freedom of Jesus Christ.
We want to be a church of prayer. We pray to adore God, confess our sin, thank God for his goodness, faithfulness, and love, where we simply listen to God, and finally where we bring our requests and supplication. We pray for our church, city, state, nation, and the world. We know we are nothing as a church without God leading and guiding us.
We take the greatest commandment seriously and literally. We are to love God and love our neighbor. To love your neighbor in Lansing is to inevitably love, and be in, a diverse community. We are not centered on a culture, a style, a preference, an age demographic, a socio-economic status, or race/ethnicity. We are centered on Christ alone who breaks down every barrier of division and unites us as brothers and sisters. It breaks our heart that 11am on Sunday mornings is one of the most segregated hours of the week in America.